Dr LAM Mei-chun, Louisa
Chief Information Officer and University Librarian
As the Chief Information Officer and University Librarian, I am committed to provide strategic leadership and direction in the development of information technology and library services in support for the mission of the University. I will work in close collaboration with Faculty, students, staff and all University stakeholders to continuously improve our services and facilities to meet your teaching, learning and research needs. Please let me know in what way we can serve you better.
Professional Qualifications:
- Doctor of Philosophy, Information Studies, Aberystwyth University, UK
- Master of Arts, Information Systems (Development), City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- Master of Librarianship, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK
Professional Affiliations:
- Fellow of Hong Kong Library Association
- Associate of the Australian Library and Information Association
Research Interests:
- Knowledge management, digital library services
Selected Presentations and Publications:
- Lam, L.M.C., Urquhart, C.J., & Dervin, B. (2016). “Sense-Making/Sensemaking.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Communication. Ed. Patricia Moy. New York: Oxford University Press. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1093/OBO/9780199756841-0112
- Lam, L.M.C., Xie, Z. Chan, J.L.Y. & Chiu, T. H. (2014). International trends in health science librarianship Part 10: The Greater China Area. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 3(12), 161-166.
- Lam, L.M.C., Storey, C., & To, T. (2006). Target the staff, then target the market – how academic librarians can successfully reach the minds of new generations of students. Proceedings of 2006 IFLA M&M Shanghai Pre-Conference, Library Management and Marketing in a Multicultural World, Shanghai, China. 72-84.
- Lam, L.M.C. (2006). Meeting the challenges of expansion and renovation in an academic medical library – a case study of the Li Ping Medical Library of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. New Library World, 107(1224/1225), 238-246.
- Storey, C., & Lam, L.M.C. (2004). SARS in the SAR: report on the experience of a Hong Kong academic library at the centre of a medical emergency. Library + Information Update, 3(3), 38-39.
- Lam, L.M.C. (2003). Medical Library Services of CUHK in times of SARS. Hong Kong Library Association Newsletter, no. 64.
- Lam, L.M.C. (2002). A Shopping mall library: Library @Orchard. Hong Kong Library Association Newsletter, no. 60.
- Cheng, G., & Lam, L.M.C. (1996). The information-seeking behavior of health professionals in Hong Kong: a survey of thirty-seven hospitals. Bulletin of Medical Library Association, 84(1), 32-40.
- Lam, L.M.C. (2017, October 19). Transformation of Research Support Services at CUHK Library – Changes in the Role and Positioning of the Library = 香港中文大學圖書館硏究支援服務 – 圖書館角色與定位的褪變. Paper presented at Digital Dissertation Consortium 2017 Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lam, L.M.C. (2017, October 17-20). Taking a step forward from building a Digital Scholarship Lab – Growing Digital Scholarship Service at the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library. Paper presented at the Pacific Rim Research Libraries Alliance 2017 Meeting, Hangzhou, China.
- Liu, W.H. & Lam, L.M.C. (2017, August 7 – 9). Using Islandora Digital Repository for Developing CUHK ETD Collection. Paper presented at the ETD 2017 Symposium, Washington, D.C., USA. Retrieved from http://www.ocs.usetda.org/index.php/NDLTD/ETD2017/paper/view/71.
- Lam, L.M.C. & Liu, W.H. (2017, June 26-30). Ingestion Workflow for CUHK Digital Repository on Islandora: Bringing to light the Chinese Rare Books and ETDs metadata in MARC. Paper presented at the Open Repositories 2017 Conference, Brisbane, Australia. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.5155072.v1.
- Lam, L.M.C. (2017, April 3-4). Experimenting with Digital Scholarship service at the Chinese university of Hong Kong Library – Challenges and future directions. Paper presented at the CNI Membership Spring 2017 Meeting, Albuquerque, USA. Retrieved from https://www.cni.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/CNI_Capacity_Lam.pdf.
- Kramer, Bosman, J. Lam, L.M.C. & Penny D. (2017, Feb 2). Springer Nature For Librarians Webinar: How does the proliferation of new researcher tools affect libraries and publishers? Retrieved from https://www.springernature.com/de/librarians/news-events/webinars/how-does-the-proliferation-of-new-researcher-tools-affect-librar/15559306.
- Jones, L. & Lam, L.M.C. (2016, Dec 4 - 7). CUHK Library: Transforming into a strategic asset for the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Pacific Rim Research Libraries Alliance 2016 Conference, Melbourne, Australia. Retrieved from http://pr-rla.org/wp-content/uploads/PRRLA2016_LouiseJones.pdf.
- Lam, L.M.C. (2016, July 11-12). Consolidation and integration: The process of building repositories at CUHK Library. Paper presented at the International Conference on Chinese Digital Publishing and Digital Libraries 2016, Hangzhou, China.
- Lam, L.M.C. & Liu, W.H. (2016, April 27). Islandora Webinar: Highlighting CUHK Chinese digital collections. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhmO024MH6c.
- Lam, L.M.C. & Liu, W.H. (2015, August 3-7). Old Collections in a New Bottle: How the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library Uncovers Hidden Treasures of the University. Paper presented at the Islandora Conference 2015, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Retrieved from http://figshare.com/articles/Old_Collections_in_a_New_Bottle_How_The_Chinese_University_of_Hong_Kong_Library_Uncovers_Hidden_Treasures_of_the_University/1501513.
- Liu, W.H. & Lam, L.M.C. (2013, December 9-12). Bringing legacy digital collections into a new digitization portal: Challenges & strategies. Paper presented at the PNC Annual Conference and Joint Meetings 2013, Kyoto, Japan. Retrieved from http://www.pnclink.org/pnc2013/english/doc/PPT/JeffLiu_PNC%20Presentation_11Dec2013.pdf.
- Lam, L.M.C. (2013, September 23-26). Open access to Electronic Theses at CUHK: The Roadmap and the way forward. Paper presented at the ETD 2013 Conference & 16th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations, Hong Kong. Retrieved from http://lib.hku.hk/etd2013/presentation/Lam%20Louisa.pdf.
- Lam, L.M.C. & Chan, I. (2011, November 9-10). Sustaining the cross sector digitization activities in Hong Kong and US organizations – a comparison of two research surveys. Paper presented at the 2011 PRDLA Meeting, Los Angeles, USA. Retrieved from http://www.prdla.org/wp-content/uploads/Louisa-Lam.pdf.
- Lam, L.M.C. (2011, August 24-25). Sustaining the digital future: Lessons learnt from the 15 years of “stop-go" digitization work at CUHK ULS. Paper presented at the 2011 International Seminar on Digital Publishing and Digital Libraries, Peking, China.
- Lam, L.M.C. (2010, June 4-5). 醫學圖書館館藏發展何去何從–淺談香港的經驗. Paper presented at CALIS全國醫學圖書館文獻資源建設硏討會暨 2010兩岸三地醫學圖書館館長論壇, Chongqin, China. Retrieved from http://www.slideserve.com/kalia-neal/7101645
- Lam, L.M.C. (2009, December 3-4). Developing a sense-making model for knowledge creation and utilization in healthcare organizations. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management, Hong Kong. Retrieved from http://ocs.cite.hku.hk/index.php/ickm2009/ickm2009/paper/view/233
- Lam, L.M.C. (2009, August 27-28). 循證醫學在香港推廣的現況. Paper presented at the Library Association of Republic of China Medical Library Committee 2009 Annual Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. Retrieved from http://www.lac.org.tw/committee/med/eLearning/31th/larmlc2009_0828_06_lin.pdf.
- Lam, L.M.C. (2009, June 29 – July 3). Bridging the implementation gap of Evidence-based Medicine – developing a sense-making model for knowledge creation and utilization in healthcare organizations. Paper presented at the 5th International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Lam, L.M.C. (2009, May 21-25). Exploring knowledge creation and utilization among doctors and nurses: Applying Dervin's Sense-Making Methodology. Paper presented at the 59th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Chicago, USA.
- Lam, L.M.C. (2008, October 28-29). 李炳醫學圖書館與循證醫學. Paper presented at 海峽兩岸醫學圖書館管理實務論壇, Singapore.
- Lam, L.M.C. (2004, March). The future and development of Medical Libraries. Paper presented at the Seminar on Library and Information Services in Health Sciences Libraries, Hong Kong.