Here a few of our notable collections:
Lingnan Archives
Lingnan Archives serves as the repository for the archival and historical records of the University. Below highlights few key collections.
- History of Lingnan University Collections
- Lingnan Alumni Papers
- Archives Exhibits

Art Collections
Donation from Lingnan Foundation
Through the generous donation from Lingnan Foundation based in the United States, the University currently hold 2 key art collections with historical value to Lingnan University. Selective paintings have been used to support various events and also teaching activities.
- Szeto Wai : Portriaits of Lingnan University 1037-1944
46 Watercolors and Sketches by Mr. Szeto Wai featuring the original campuses of Lingnan University within Guangdong, China during 1937-1944 - Lingnan School of Paintings (Scroll paintings from Lingnan Foundation)
A collection of more than 120 scroll paintings primarily produced during 1940s by artists, including former leading members of the Guangdong National Painting Research Society (廣東國畫研究會)
Other Art Collections
- 康雁屏現代水墨 Brenda Hong’s Exhibition
[2014/08/19—2014/09/30] 「醉荷塘—康雁屏現代水墨」展覽展出了康雁屏女士以「醉荷塘」為主題的水墨畫作品。康女士以多種彩墨及柔和的筆觸繪出荷塘的不同景致,表現出她對香港社會的情感。由於她用在創作上的畫紙均以水墨多重染色,故此畫作的色彩濃厚,層次豐富。 康女士為本港傑出的藝術家,在現代水墨、攝影、花藝等範疇均有涉獵。她亦是本校校友,於是次畫展致送了一幅題為「醉荷塘.暉」的作品予母校,其畫作充分滲透出母校對學生無微不至的呵護,同時亦充分表現出她對母校的情感。 康女士相信「藝術源於生活」,其創作靈感多來自日常生活及旅行的所見所聞。她希望藉著是次畫展向母校的學弟妹分享她的創作,並期望是次畫展為一個介入點,讓現代水墨藝術滲入母校中。此外,她亦一直致力向大眾推廣現代水墨畫,希望有更多人欣賞此源於香港的藝術。 - 戴桂冠書法選 Mr. Day Kwei Kwan's Calligraphy
[2012/08/27—2012/10/26] 戴桂冠,字少儒。原籍福建惠安崇武,畢業於香港嶺南學院中文系及中文大學新亞研究所歷史學部,後任香港保良局行政秘書。曾創辦“樂藝社”並舉辦兩屆書法篆刻展覽會,其作品曾入選河南國際書法賽、新加坡海內外知名書畫家作品展,廣州世界華人書畫展並被收藏於廣州華僑博物館。廣東省書法家協會第五屆新人作品優秀獎。並為香港友聲印社會員,香港攝影學會及香港攝影藝術研究會永遠會員,攝影作品多次獲獎。戴桂冠先生應邀於2012年8月27日至10月26日於大學圖書館舉辦書法展,提高同學對中國文化和書法的認識。

Themed Collections
The Library strives to build other unique and specialized collections to support teaching and research activities. Below highlighted few themed-collections:
- Collection on Prof. Ming K. Chan's Research
- Thai Collection
- Tuen Mun Heritage Image Database
- Oral History Project Of Contemporary Chinese Authors