3月5日文學院和人文學科研究中心合辦了講座「旗袍與香港生活」,並邀請時裝設計師黃慧霞女士主講。此次講座是嶺南大學藝術節的一部份,也是人文學科研究中心主辦的「一九五〇年代的香港文學與文化系列講座」的第15講。黃惠霞女士是香港時裝設計師,Amy’c Clothing Design 創辦人。她曾修讀文學藝術,從比較的角度欣賞中西美學。她嘗試把中國畫的元素作為時裝美學的主體,同時又表達東西文化交流的一面,通過時裝來展示現代都市女性精神。 黃女士帶我們重溫了旗袍從漢代到一九五〇年代的發展歷史。她也與我們分享了她的時裝設計作品,其中有三件是為悼念梁秉鈞(也斯)教授而裁製。香港電臺也對本次講座進行了錄影,計劃在夏天播出。
On March 19, the Faculty of Arts and the Centre for Humanities Research (CHR) co-organized a seminar on the ‘Chinese Qi-Pao & Hong Kong Daily Life’ and invited fashion designer Ms. Amy Wong Wai-har to speak on the topic. This is part of the Arts Festival and also the 15th seminar of the Hong Kong Literature and Culture of the 1950s Seminar Series. Ms. Wong studied art and literature, and is trained to appreciate east-west aesthetics from a comparative point of view. She aims to create clothing which, based primarily on Chinese painting ideology, can express elements of east-west cultural exchange while at the same time portraying the spirit of the modern woman. Ms. Wong reviewed the development of Chinese Qi-Pao from the Han Dynasty to the 1950s. She also shares with us her works, and three are commemorating Prof. Leung Ping-kwan (Ye Si). The seminar was filmed by RTHK and will be broadcast in summer.