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Library Notice

Open Access Explained

Open Access (OA) means making scholarly or creative outputs FREELY ACCESSIBLE ONLINE, without charge nor restrictions due to copyright or licensing. To make OA possible would rely on "Internet" and the "CONSENT" granted by author / copyright holders.

OA is compatible with copyright, peer review, revenue (even profit), print, preservation, prestige, quality, career-advancement, indexing, and other features and supportive services associated with conventional scholarly literature.

-- by Peter Suber, Open Access Overview (based on revision dated 16 Dec 2013)


Knowing Open Access

What is open access? And why is it important to your research?

A complete list of library’s tutorial videos is available via Library's YouTube channel.


Benefits of OA

Open Access (OA) transforms scholarly publishing towards a barrier-free approach. Here are some major benefits that OA would bring to different stakeholders:

Benefits for Authors Benefits for Researcher Benefits for University
  • Better global visibility and discoverability of scholarly outputs;
  • Greater exposure for citation and therefore, increase impact;
  • Knowledge sharing with other scholars in same discipline;
  • Compliant with funding bodies' requirements
  • Unrestricted access to scholarly outputs;
  • Expose to more variety of resources, but not only those your institute can provide;
  • More channels for publications
  • Showcase the quality of scholarly works being undertaken at the University;
  • Better outreach to potential researchers / students to join the University

Read more about the benefits of Open Access by SPARC


Open Access Directories

OA Publications
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