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Library Notice

Apart from current staff and students, and alumni, other users are welcome to apply for appropriate Library privileges to become a member of the Lingnan University Library.

The application would normally be handled and approved by the University Librarian or its delegates within 7 working days. The Lingnan University Library reserves the right to grant these privileges and they are subject to withdrawal with short advanced notice. The payment of the application fee is not a guarantee of access and no refund will be provided.

Dependents (Spouse / Children) of Lingnan University Staff Members

Spouses of Lingnan staff members and children aged 15 or above (up to 21) are eligible to apply for  "LU Card for LU Affiliates" with reader or borrower privileges via myLingnan Portal. For borrower privileges, a refundable deposit for each dependent (HK$500) is required.

Lingnan Staff Members on Non-University Payroll

With supporting documents from the Head of Department/ Research Units, Lingnan staff members or Visiting Scholars who are not issued with the LU Card may apply for a "LU Card for LU Affiliates" free of charge.Their checkout privileges will be assigned according to the role of the staff members. Remote access to library subscribed e-resources would not be available due to license restrictions. Please click here to register online.

Council and Court Members

Library privileges are granted to the Council and Court Members free of charge during their terms of service, please contact Office of Council/Court Business and General Administration for more details.

Long-serving Retired Staff

Eligible Long-serving Retired Staff may apply for a "LU Card for LU Affiliates" with borrowing privileges and be eligible to use the selected databases.

Details and eligibility of the Long-serving Retired Staff Borrower's card:

  • Annual Fee: Free of Charge
  • Refundable Deposit: HKD500
  • Card Validity: 2 years
  • Eligibility
    • A Lingnan University retiree who has served the University normally for 10 years or more
    • Definition of Lingnan University Retiree, according to the Staff Handbook (Part J, Section 2) 
      • If the appointment is on general or substantiated continuous terms, the staff member shall normally retire on the 30th June coincident with, or immediately following, his / her 65th birthday, subject to such extension as the University may grant to him / her
      • The University Council may, at its discretion, permit a staff member to retire earlier than the normal retirement age, but not earlier than the age of 60
  • Link to Application Form
Non-Lingnan JULAC Staff and Students
  • Non-Lingnan JULAC Library Card Holders (eligible staff and postgraduate students from other UGC Libraries) can register their JULAC Library Cards issued by their home libraries, at the Service Counter of the Library for accessing and checking out Lingnan Library materials. Please visit the checkout privileges page for details.
  • For eligible undergraduates of other UGC-funded universities, they can bring their JULAC Library Reader Cards issued by their home libraries to access Lingnan University Library. A processing fee of $50 will be charged for activating the non-Lingnan JULAC Library Reader Card. Such registration will expire on 31 July every year and a fee of $50 must be paid again to activate the Reader Card.
  • Lingnan University Library will prioritize the limited space to the most needed user group including staff and students during the revision week / examination period or other time sessions. Please always check Library website for more details. 
Institutional Users

Non-UGC tertiary institutions may apply for up to 3 institutional library cards to access Lingnan University Library free of charge. Please note that the request will be considered on an individual basis and should be a reciprocal arrangement. The Library reserves the right to reject any new and renewal applications. For more about this service, please refer to our Institutional Library Reader Cards page.

External Users

External users may apply for a LU Card for External Users with Borrower / Reader Library privileges for research purposes. Please click here to check the eligibility and register online.