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Library Notice

In addition to the subscribed databases to support your learning, teaching and research needs, the Library also works with different content providers to arrange short-term trials of new and potential databases. Staff and students are encouraged to use and evaluate these databases during the trial period by filling in the feedback form. Subscription would be considered depending on different factors of budget and your evaluation results.

Databases on Trial Trial Period Feedback Form

CINAHL with Full Text

"CINAHL with Full Text provides 332 active full-text nursing and allied health journals indexed in CINAHL, many of which with no embargo. With a journal retail value of $169,747.08, it is the fourth largest full-text version of CINAHL.


CINAHL with Full Text includes rigorous curation and indexing of open access (OA) journals, which has resulted in a growing collection of 1,389 active global OA journals. Once validated and certified for inclusion, these OA journals are treated with high-quality subject indexing and sophisticated, precise/accurate full-text linking.


CINAHL Subject Headings help users effectively search and retrieve information and follow the structure of the Medical Subject headings (MeSH) used by the National Library of Medicine. These Subject Headings help researchers find new concepts, including COVID-19, social distancing and vaping as well as local terminology." -- Provided by the publisher.


On trial until 24 October 2024 Feedback Form

華藝ACI學術引用文獻資料庫 (Academic Citation Index)

ACI堅持書目計量學三大定律之一(Bradford's Law),透過嚴格的選刊標準,優先收錄優質的期刊與文章,以確保引文資料庫衡量結果的意義與價值。

  • 強化引文分析– 強化了引文分析結果,突顯台灣人文社會科學領域的研究表現,讓研究的力度被看見。
  • 國際化整合 – 整合PlumX 、Airiti Library、DOI…等服務,並增加書目匯出的功能,可與現有的引文分析軟工具VOSviewer 無縫介接,讓研究者可以透過視覺化的方式進行文獻探索與前沿研究。
  • 資料權威控制 –近年ACI持續進行書目資料的完整化與權威控制(期刊、機構、著者…等資料)期能呈現豐富而客觀的研究成果與影響力,持續累積研究能量。
  • 上線模組 – 文獻、期刊、學門、機構、著者…等五大模組。各模組之間的資料相互串聯,讓使用者能以多種角度來探索資料,滿足不同的需求,快速找到客觀且高品質的綜整資訊,見樹又見林。
On trial until 31 December 2024 Feedback Form