嶺南大學人文學科研究中心自今年一月舉辦了一系列「一九五○年代香港文學與文化」講座,邀請各院校的學者與專家分享五○年代香港文學、戲曲、音樂、繪畫、電影等不同藝術媒介的發展概況,從多角度重看香港在冷戰時期的複雜文化身份。配合講座系列,中心與香港電影資料館合作,展出近六十張的五○年代電影明星照片,以及嶺大同學相關的研究成果。一九五○年代是香港電影的黃金時期,無論是國、粵語電影的明星皆為時代印記,星光閃閃,為黑白菲林年代帶來燦爛的回憶。是次研究項目始於去年暑假,嶺大同學的研究成果已收錄於香港電影資料館剛出版的《星光流轉.景幻情真》(2011) 一書。展覽藉此與大家分享同學研究的成果,以及介紹香港電影的重要一頁。
The Centre for Humanities Research has organized a seminar series themed “Hong Kong Literature and Culture of the 1950s” since January 2011. Scholars and experts from various institutions have been invited to illuminate our understanding of the development of various art forms, such as literature, Cantonese opera, music, painting and cinema, in Hong Kong of the 1950s, re-reading from multiple perspectives the complex making of Hong Kong’s cultural identity at the time. In line with the seminar series, the Centre collaborates with Hong Kong Film Archive to present a photo exhibition of Hong Kong movie stars of the 1950s, which comprises near 60 valuable photos and Lingnan students’ related research achievements. The 1950s is the prime time of Hong Kong cinema with stars of both Cantonese and Mandarin cinemas marking the decade. The glamour of the stars adds color to our collective memory of the black and white era. While Lingnan students’ research on the glamorous stars since last summer can now be seen in Glamour Everlasting (2011) recently published by Hong Kong Film Archive, the exhibition serves as an immediate presentation of our students’ accomplishments, and provides a panoramic introduction to a pivotal age of Hong Kong cinema.